How is Asbestos waste Disposed of?
Asbestos waste must be sealed in suitable asbestos-labelled sacks to prevent fibres being released. Asbestos waste should then be double-bagged or wrapped in polythene. It should be clearly marked by taping labelled asbestos sacks to either end of the parcel.
Asbestos must be disposed at a licensed landfill site, and needs to be transported by a company who has a Waste Carriers License issued by the Environment Agency. ICEASBESTOS Asbestos has a Waste Carriers License, and we always provide a Waste Consignment Note to all our clients to show all our waste has been disposed of safely and legally. Email us on for more information.
Whether you have an asbestos soil pipe from a domestic house to be collected or a dismantled asbestos cement building, we can offer you a full asbestos collection service. If you have a large amount of asbestos to be disposed of on site, we’ll supply you with a skip and our trained staff will dispose of the asbestos safely within the skip.
ICEASBESTOS can offer flexible, cost-effective solutions for asbestos waste removal and disposal – and we’ve experience of removing waste all across the UK. We’ll also ensure that any asbestos material does not remain on site any longer than necessary.
Call us about our asbestos waste disposal services on 0333 772 0424.