Protecting children from asbestos

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Asbestos can be especially dangerous to children as they may not understand the dangers associated with the substance. It is natural to want to ensure your children are as safe as possible, so here are some tips to help you protect your children against asbestos.

If you have an older home – Have an asbestos survey

Clearly, the most important step in protecting your children from asbestos is to ensure that there is no dangerous material in your home! As asbestos was used frequently in building works before 1980 this could be a concern without you knowing. There is an issue here in that many substances that look like asbestos are actually harmless, and also asbestos can be ‘hidden’ as a constituent part of another part of the home, such as concrete or roof tiles.

The only way to be completely sure is to have an asbestos survey carried out on the premises. Asbestos professionals can sample any potential material and send it away for testing. This is the only way to be sure about potential asbestos containing materials in your home. 

Inform them about the dangers of asbestos

One of the most important ways you can protect children against asbestos exposure is to clearly educate them about the risks of the substance. Children who have an idea of asbestos and what it looks like can avoid it much easier.

It’s vital not to give too much information on the dangers of asbestos, however, it is better to inform your child to be on the safe side!

Don’t let your child play in unknown buildings!

It’s key to not let your children play in or around old, abandoned homes or shed that may contain asbestos. Children’s lungs and respiratory systems are still in development stages, their lungs are smaller and they breathe at a faster rate therefore they can inhale more asbe4stos fibres.

Another area to avoid Is building sites or areas where older homes may have been demolished!

The only protection we have against asbestos is knowledge, vigilance and care for our children.

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